Seller Information


Stall Prices range from $30-$45 depending on your location on the selling field


Used Merchandise Dealer

If you re-sell used items you have purchased or collected, or deal in a particular used item (such as clothes or tools), or have a significant quantity of the same type of used item, or sell used items here more than 3 times a year, etc., you belong in this group.


You must have a California Resale number to sell, it can be obtained here.

Garage Seller

If you are selling your own used personal merchandise, have cleaned out your attic, closet, or garage, and are selling the things you no longer use or need, you belong in this group. If you sell here more than 3 times a year, even if it is your own merchandise, you belong in the USED MERCHANDISE DEALER group. No new or return merchandise of type, as determined by SVSM, can be sold in the Garage Seller area.

New Merchandise Seller

If you sell new merchandise, factory seconds, hand-crafted items, or any merchandise that has not been used, regardless of condition, etc., you belong in this group.

Interested in selling? Click the button below to inquire about availability


You must have a California Resale number to sell, it can be obtained here.

Returned Merchandise Dealer

If you re-sell itemes you have purchased that have been returned from big box stores. You belong in this group.


You must have a California Resale number to sell, it can be obtained here.


Is this your first time selling at the Swap Meet? Fear not! We have a step by step process on how to ensure that you get a space to sell this weekend. Tickets are $25 CASH ONLY.

NCSM Garage Sale Entry.jpeg

Step 1:

Asses your merchandise. There are different processes to purchase a sellers ticket based on the type of merchandise you sell.

If you have garage sale or used merchandise, keep reading.

If you have new or returned merchandise, click here.

Step 2:

Arrive at the National City Swap Meet before 6:30am. Our traffic attendants will line you up in our South Parking Lot (pictured right).

Step 3:

Fill out a merchandise forms that you will be handed by our traffic attendants while you are in line.

Step 4:

At 7:00am, the line will begin to move. When you get to the ticket booth, one of our gate girls will sell you a ticket. If you have any special needs, such as a trailer, long truck, or Uhaul, be sure to let our employees know so they can put you in an acceptable space.

Step 5:

Once you receive your ticket, there will be a space number on the ticket, that is where you can sell. Our field checkers will point you in the direction of your space, you may park in your space and begin to sell once you’ve arrived in the field.


Step 1:

Acquire a CA Resale Permit

Step 2:

Arrive at the Swap Meet in the 7:00am hour.

Step 3:

Purchase a ticket at the booth by the front gate (pictured right). Someone will sell you a space to sell your merchandise.


Step 1:

Acquire a CA Resale Permit

Step 2:

Bring ID and Resale Permit to office window.

Step 3:

You will present your information, and you will be put on our Advance Seller list

Step 4:

Saturday mornings, at 8:00am, the Swap Meet randomly selects a number on the list to start with, and we sell tickets for the following weekend in the new section in order of the Advanced Seller list.

Seller Rules:

  • People selling their own personal merchandise less than 3 times a year need only purchase a valid selling ticket.

  • Any person selling more than 3 times a year must have a California Resale Permit

  • Any person selling new or unused items, craft items, or any dealer of any type of merchandise must have a California Resale Permit

  • No selling of counterfeit items.

  • Cars cannot be parked overnight in the selling lot.

  • No games or rides allowed.

  • No selling food, water, gatorade, liquor, or anything else that can be eaten or drank.

  • Tarps must be weighed down with 10lb weights on each corner.

  • Respect your neighbors and Swap Meet employees.